Jen Shyu, Nine Doors (USA)

Jen Shyu, Nine Doors

Jen Shyu is an extraordinary composer, multi-instrumentalist, dancer, and vocalist whose polymath talents are deftly synthesised in the ritualistic solo performance, Nine Doors. At the heart of the multi-faceted narrative is a wayang kulit shadow puppeteer’s daughter from Indonesia who, in the face of tragedy and trauma, is empowered through encounters with female legends from Timorese and Korean folklore, for instance. As she voyages through time and space to meet them, they offer her guidance, strength, and solace. Astonishingly, Shyu sings songs in eight languages, dances, and plays Taiwanese moon lute, Korean gayageum, piano, Japanese biwa, and Korean soribuk drum to tell this transformative, uplifting story. Peerless.

Saturday, 14 September, 4pm, Co-operators Hall, River Run Centre, $25/$20

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Jen Shyu website
Nine Doors excerpt video

Photo credit: Steven Schreiber

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